Friday, December 7, 2018

Thanksgiving and kick off to Christmas

This year it worked out for us to go to Maryland and Virginia for the week of Thanksgiving. We did 2 days with Tony's side (minus Mom who was in India) and got to see a lot of friends from Tony's childhood we havent seen in a long time at Friendsgiving.

Then we headed to Maryland for Thanksgiving and a quick day trip to NYC. It was A LOT of travel - planes, trains and automobiles, the whole bit. But all in all everything went smooth and everyone was happy and most importantly memories were made :)

Thanksgiving at Mamas :)

this girl <3 <3 <3

riding in the taxi she hailed

snug, warm and happy in the 30 degree weather!


Daddy was fascinated by the green ground during the Macy's parade, was it paint? a tarp? carpet? we investigate for him and found it was painted on. We even snuck a green paint chip home for him to see ha!

Macy's Christmas windows never disappoint

dinner in Little Italy

the biggest wreath we had ever seen, it was beautiful
Our trip to New York got us in the holiday spirit and we are in full swing here at home now. We have the next few weeks full of parties, baking cookies, christmas movies, school performances, hunting for the best lights and lots of christmas cheer <3
