Tuesday, May 31, 2016

11 months

better get this one up before he turns a year!!

What didnt brother do this month?!?! He started walking, talking, signing, clapping, pointing and copying Charlottes motions.

- wearing 12 month clothes
- size 4 diapers
- sleeping through the night - hallelujah!!!!
- 2 1-2 hour naps a day
- signing eat and all done
- saying "ma ma ma ma" while signing eat, saying "fah" for fan
- scrunching up his nose and sniffing back and forth with sister
- loving chicken, strawberries, sauteed zucchini, avocados, almond butter toast and cheese! No dairy is a thing of the past :)
- nursing 2-4 times a day
- favorite place to play is outside
- loves walks after dinner
- still such a happy, observant sweet boy that we cant get enough of!
