Sunday, November 29, 2015

wrapping up our month of thanks

  Tomorrow is the last day of November and so we are wrapping up our month of thankfulness and about to dive head first into December and all things Christmas (we may have already been dipping our toes in ;) )

dipping our toes in with a first hot chocolate of the season

  We did a leaf on our thankful tree almost every day and this was Charlotte's final list...
- rain
- animals
- Bailey
- Lo
- leaves
- clouds
- Cooper
- caterpillars
- all my friends
- Christmas trees
- Mama
- Dada
- sunshine
- Mickey Mouse game
- Let it Go
- new pajamas

So basically my girl loves nature, her friends and family and Disney :)

We also had a small Thanksgiving here at the house with just us and Bean and the kids, it was not our typical but still a wonderful dinner with family.


Friday, November 20, 2015

5 months

Our little baybuh (Charlottes name for Cooper) turned 5 months back on the 11th, here is what he has been up to this month.....

Cooper is......
- wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers
- started solids, right now he is eating purees that I make and has tried sweet potatoes, avocado, pumpkin, pears and apples
- taking 2 naps a day and not sleeping through the night
- starting to scoot and trying to get into crawling position
- sleeping unswaddled (finally)
- still hating the carseat
- making all sorts of new noises
- loving his paci, bath time and his exersaucer, being worn facing out in his carrier
- LOVING playing with sister
- getting much more coordinated at grasping things and bringing them to his mouth
- sitting unsupported for a few seconds
- still our sweet happy little dumpling :)


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thankful tree

We got a bit of a late start on our Thankful Tree this year since we were traveling for the first week in November but we are in full swing now and its so sweet to see what Charlotte wants to add to the tree. This year I tweaked it a little by adding a new leaf every morning when we do calendar time and then having a separate list of charity that we can do.

This morning she added The Lion King to the tree <3
