Saturday, November 22, 2014

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

  We had such a cold snap last week down here that I could had sworn we were back in Boston. I HATE the cold and I really hate it when it keeps me and little one cooped up inside day after day. So I decided to embrace it and focus on the only thing I like about the winter - Christmas. I usually have a strict no-pre-thanksgiving-christmas-ness but I had to bend this year :)

So we did a little decorating and set up a small tree for C in her playroom, went to the Library and checked out a bunch of books about snowmen and Christmas, went to our town Christmas tree lighting and got out all of our super warm clothes and bundled up for some short outdoor time.

Bring on the holly jolly holidays!


Saturday, November 15, 2014

18 months

In a week my girl will be 18 months, a  big one and a half year old, a toddler - how?!!!!

How did this.....

Grow into this so fast?!

This age is so great and so trying all at the same time, I love her independence when she colors while I fold laundry, I struggle with it when she feels she must put on her pants by herself (which she can only half way do and even that takes 20 minutes). I love her ability to communicate when she tells me "milk please" or Dada bye bye", I struggle with it when she tells me "NO!" I love her sense of humor when she belly laughs from making a silly face or putting a scarf on the dog (a new favorite game), I struggle with it when she dumps her food and laughs. You get the idea - the up, the down, the ying, the yang, the good, the bad.

I try and see this time for what it is, a time of growth - for both of us. I am gaining some serious patience and perspective (it really is okay for her to feed herself yogurt even if in the process she gets her hair, face and chair covered in it). And Char is learning, well,  everything, impulse control, right vs wrong,  kindness, emotions, routines, and a million other things everyday. That is a lot for a little brain :)

I know I wont remember everything but I want a snap shot of where is she now, what she has learned, her favorite things etc.

Sister is finally getting a little picky, she is still a great eater overall but she wont eat some of her old favorites (salmon, sweet potatoes and fig bars). Her favorites for right now are whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce, quinoa with pesto, smoothies, white potatoes, fruit and nut bars from the local bakery, pork with BBQ sauce (I had to search high and low to find one without sugar and junk but luckily I did and you LOVE it), peas with butter, all fruit especially pomegranate seed, blueberries and clementines, and your favorite breakfast scrambled eggs with sunflower butter toast :) She also finally started drinking milk! She drinks a combo of almond and coconut milk. You have 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. When it is time to eat you say "highchair" (high-cha) and try to climb in.

loving her banana pancakes, fruit and yogurt :)

This has always been a strong suit of hers and its only getting more so the older she gets. I haven't counted but a rough estimate I would say she has about 50 words, body parts (ear, eye, nose, mouth, hair, belly, toes, leg, teeth etc), animals (dog, cat, duck, cow, monkey, goat, and all their noises), names (mama, dada, papa, bailey, penelope, aiden, emma), toys (ball, car, block, blanket, pillow, book, coloring, ) clothes (shoes, sock, pants, hat, jacket) and randoms (highchair, peek-a-boo, up, down, all done, night night, hi, bye bye, go go, what happened?, whats that? oh no! no no no, more). Im sure Im forgetting some, this girl seems to learn a new one every day! My favorites are peek-a-boo, she says beek-a-boo and her monkey noise is hilarious <3

climbed in the car and said "car go go bye bye"
Now that a lot of the gross motor stuff is old news, she has moved on to fine motor. She has started doing puzzles, coloring, stacking cups, putting objects in holes, pushing small buttons and twisting knobs, twisting caps off of bottles (learned this when I walked into the bathroom to find she had opened the drawer, gotten my make bag out, unzipped it, took out my mascara, unscrewed the top and smeared it all over her body! haha) and using and fork and spoon.

standing up all her animals upright

Overall Charlotte is a super happy, funny and energetic toddler. We have some big stuff on the horizon, transition out of the crib and potty training. But for now Im going to just sit in this sweet age of half baby half big kid and love my little girl <3


Sunday, November 2, 2014

All things Autumn

  Just as planned we crammed October full of Autumn-y goodness :)

We wore pumpkin shirts

Had our 2nd annual Fall Fete with all of our wonderful friends - the kiddos devoured pumpkin muffins and played in the backyard all afternoon

We carved a pumpkin - I was surprised at Charlotte's willingness to get elbow deep in the pumpkin guts :)

We painted our mini pumpkins

We got lots of yummy Fall veggies from our Farmers Market visits with friends

We went to our church's annual Fall Festival

One particularly chilly evening we all snuggled up with a blanket fort, pizza and a Disney movie

And of course we dressed up for Halloween - The Flintstones :)

A very successful October!
