Wednesday, February 17, 2016

8 months

This past month for brother was a bog one, lots of new skills and experiences!

This month you.....
- are wearing 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
- taking 2 naps a day and sleeping 8-7 overnight with 2 feeds
- started to crawl! you have been sooooo close for over a month and then bam! one day you took off and you haven't looked back
- can pull yourself up, which has given you a forehead full of bumps and bruises because you arent as strong and steady as you think you are
- are loving to eat fish, avocado toast, strawberries, steamed baby carrots, veggie patties and all kinds of beans
- still think your big sister is the best thing in the world
- have started understanding some of what we say and playing games (turn off the light, find the fan, grab Mamas nose)
- love being outdoors in your swing or on a walk
- love your Little Gym and music class
- are still such a happy lovable little nugget. People still always comment on how sweet, happy and calm you are :)

What life has looked like this month in your world......


Monday, February 8, 2016

art display

This past month I made a place to display the kids art in the office/playroom. Super simple and super cheap just some thick poster board with some metal clips hot glued on.

Sister wasted no time filling that thing up


Thursday, February 4, 2016

7 months

I had to make sure to get this in before he turned 8 months next week!

This is life with Coop at 7 months....

- wearing 6/9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
- had first ear infection :(
- loves when you blow on his face
- hair is starting to fill in and still stands upright on the top :)
- pushing up to hands and knees and rocking
- eating so much more! loves peas, banana pancakes, pears, and veggie meatballs
- still waking 2x to eat and sometimes more just to scream for a bit
- napping 2x a day 1-2 hours each
- doing little gym, music class and playdates
- loving any toy that you can shake/bang to make noise

You are my sweet observant mild mannered boy and we just love you to pieces <3
