Monday, June 19, 2017

life in pictures

Lately life looks like....
games on games on games

mornings at the lake

trucks are life

airplane rides to DC

making roti with Dadi

airplane rides back home

hot dogs

vacation bible school with sweet freinds

watermelon on the back porch

lite brite designs

playing with new birthday toys

practicing drawing circles

Monday, June 5, 2017


My little girl turned 4 and boy was she excited. We made a paper chain countdown, memorized her birthday, picked a special activity at the beach and told anyone who would listen that "Im almost 4!" We celebrated her actually birthday and then had a combined party with some friends when we got back. She reveled in every moment of it :)

What 4 year old Charlotte looks like......

She loves arts and crafts and is constantly making something, her favorite themes include rainbows, family members and collage work.

She has started to write her name as well as Mama, Dada and Cooper and is always asking how to spell other peoples names so she can write them. The other day she wanted to stamp out all the names of the colors and while she was waiting on me to finish a chore so I could write them for her to copy she figured out she could use her markers to see how to spell it. She is a super smart cookie :)
She loves puzzles, making mud pies in her outdoor kitchen, and riding her bike and scooter around the neighborhood
She can count to 100, do super big jumps on the trampoline, brush her own teeth, say all her letter sounds, make her own PB&J, jump off the side of the pool and swim to the steps, buckle herself into her car seat, and get herself dressed. I am so over the moon proud of her. She is smart, intuitive, careful, kind and my favorite girl in the whole world <3

Of course birthdays make me go down memory lane and feel like it was just yesterday that we brought that tiny 6lbs, dark haired big beautiful eyed baby home....

Happy Birthday Chuck, I love you more than you could ever know <3