Friday, July 4, 2014

Sensory Play

We have been outside a ton with the beautiful summer weather so Little Miss gets a lot of her sensory play from her sand table, rice box, kiddie pool or running around the yard playing in the grass. We had a string of big storms come through last week so sadly we were kept indoors for most of the week so I took the opportunity to make some new sensory experiences for her.

First up was playdough, we used this recipe to make it (for tons of AWESOME sensory ideas, that blog is my go to!) , I made it during nap time and it seriously took less than 5 minutes. Its great because its edible for when she occasionally still mouths things and doesn't contain any funky chemicals. For our first time playing with playdough I would say it was a success.

I added some metal cookie cutters, a wooden spoon and cardboard paper towel rings to play with

 Charlotte also grabbed some noodles out of her other sensory play box and stuck them into the play dough. Noodle trees - great idea darling girl :)

Oh and the cat thought it was delicious haha

There are a bunch of variations of this play dough that I want to try - different colors, adding glitter, adding scents etc. 


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