Wednesday, June 11, 2014

official 12 month post

With all the birthday stuff I totally forgot to do my final monthly post! So here it is.....

12 months!
This month you are......
* wearing 12 months clothes
* 19 lbs 9 oz and 27 in
* finally size 3 diapers when in disposables
* getting good at walking in your shoes
* still a great eater, you have 3 meals and 3 snacks a day since you stopped nursing
* have become much cuddlier
* saying "up" and "esh" (yes)
* following simple commands like "sit down" "stand up" "come here" "turn off the light" and " put it in" (when we clean up)
* have 6 teeth
* still loving stuffed animals and now have a favorite doll that you bring everywhere
* dancing whenever you hear a good beat :)
* getting into front roll position by yourself - arms extended touching the ground with your booty in the air - and you wait until someone comes and flips you over

You are the most amazing little girl and I cant wait to see all that you do in the next year! Happy 12 months my girl <3


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