Tuesday, February 25, 2014

No Poo cont.

Almost a month in and still going strong albeit with some bumps along the way.

The coconut oil hair mask almost did me in, I should have known better my hair has always been a super sponge and true to form sucked up all that oil and would not let it go. I washed with my diluted castile soap  mixture 3 times the first day and 3 times the next and my hair still was so oily it looked wet. So I found a "low poo''" shampoo to use and it did the job. And if you are looking to cut out chemicals but arent into no shampoo at all I highly recommend it! The same company also makes a great lotion that has been the only thing that helped C's dry skin during this very cold and very long winter.

After dealing with that I resumed my one a week diluted castile soap wash and ACV rinse with a nightly finger brush and boars hair brush. My hair was super dry so I decided to try a different moisturizer - egg whites. Well either I didn't dilute them enough or the water was too hot or something because I came out with scrambled egg in my hair and the feeling of serious gunky build up - GROSS!

I have ridden out the worst of it and things are looking better, the gunk went away after a few days and I have finally found a moisturizer that works with my hair, argon oil. Its a little pricey but a little goes a long way, I just run a small pump through my hair every couple days and its really helping.

I dont have any pictures to prove that I am not a walking grease ball so yall will just have to take my word for it and enjoy some adorable pictures of Charlotte :)


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