Friday, February 21, 2014

DIY fun

The weather kept us inside AGAIN the other day so I decided to whip up some projects I had sitting on the back burner for the littlest one.

The first is something I have done in all my classrooms and have been waiting to do with C until she was a bit older. She has had some sensory boxes before but I wanted to do something small so she could work on her fine motor - you know outside of picking up every tiny crumb and furball on the floor ;)

I have been doing a color a week for the past few weeks and using a basket in her playroom to hold a bunch of the same color toys, this week is yellow so I decided to dye the rice yellow and add a lemon scent with some essential oil

She was pretty interested in it and I had to say "not for the mouth" 23528782342 times but she got the hang of it. Her favorite was hiding toys in the rice then finding them. It is definitely a close supervision activity but she loved using her pincer to grab a single grain of rice and we ever put her feet in it which she thought was HILARIOUS

Next up we made a DIY light table, once again this is a staple in all of my classrooms and is great in exploring light/dark, shadows, colors and as she gets older adding another element to her artwork. As usual pinterst didnt let me down with a easy cheap DIY version of what is usually a very expensive piece. 

Ready? grab some Christmas lights, grab a large long rubbermaid container, tape some tracing paper to the underside of the lid and BOOM - DONE!

Charlotte decided the best way to use the table was to sit on top of it :)

She has crawled right to the table every time we go in the playroom so I would say its a hit!


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