I have been wanting to do a post like this for awhile, just to document a typical day in our life. I know its these little moments and details that will overtime slip from my memory.......
6:30-7:00 am - you wake up, I love that you wake up and babble and talk to yourself these days until I come in and get you. You raise your little arms for me to pick you up and we sit in the rocker and nurse. This is the calmest and sweetest part of our day, you are such an active little girl so I treasure these quiet, still moments.
7:15 am - we say good bye to Daddy and head upstairs. You play while I pump and usually you climb all over Penelope.
7:45 am - time to get dressed :) this is definitely not your favorite part of the day
but it must get done
8:00 am - breakfast time! You usually have a scrambled egg yolk or yogurt with almond flour pancake and some fruit, sometimes you eat like a little piggy other times just a tiny bit. We wash it down with some water (you are starting to get the hang of your sippy cup)
please notice our "helper" ready to catch any crumb that might fall |
8:30-9:30 am - playtime! we go into the playroom and play, play, play. This week our basket has RED items (for Valentines Day of course), your favorites are the red balls, the heart shaped measuring spoons and the red heart tin - its perfect for making loud banging noises! We also have a basket for exploring IN/OUT and a group of different textured squares.
9:30- ??? am- naptime. Your naps are still really variable, some days you nap for 30 minutes others for over an hour. Our nap routine is fresh diaper, read a few books, sing a song, turn on our noise machine, say night night to the lamp and then I pat your back until you fall asleep. While you nap I typically shower and if there is time get some house stuff done. On this day I made some applesauce (you LOVE applesauce) in the crock pot and did some dinner/grocery planning.
yummmmmmmmmy |
10:30 am - We get our bags packed and head out to run errands/ go to class or have a playdate or on occasion stay home and play around the house.
Your BFF Griffin |
11:00 am - nursing session
12:30 pm - lunch time. One this day you had, half an avocado, a bowl of carrots, 1 quinoa patty and some frozen peaches in your teether. And as always Penelope was there to help clean the high chair after you were done :)
1:00 - 3:00 pm - enjoy our playdate/ run back out to do some errands or play around the house and when the weather cooperates talk Penelope on a walk.
cruising in your walker |
box of goodies to play with while I clean the bathroom |
snuggles!!! |
Penelope visiting you in baby jail |
3:00 - 4:00 pm - you nurse down for your afternoon nap and typically sleep 45 minutes to an hour
4:00 pm - Daddy comes home!! We start dinner and play with him until we are ready to eat
5:00 pm - dinner time! This day you had salmon, quinoa patty, pureed peas, coconut braised zucchini and carrots and pear/blueberry puree. YUM!
6:00 pm - bath time. You love bath time! banging the cups together and sucking on the washcloth are your favorites
7:00 pm - bedtime. Daddy gives you a bottle then we play in the crib, read books and sing songs then I nurse you down to sleep, if you dont fall asleep then I put you down and let you fall asleep on your own, we have been working on this for a couple weeks now and last night you went right to sleep no fussing at all <3