In October I focused some of Charlotte's play on fabrics, this month
we focused on water. I had noticed her more interested in the faucet and
my water glasses and so I followed her lead and gave her a variety of
water activities this month.
The Faucet
This is her favorite, we did it several times a week - it was perfect for after lunch clean up!
Bath Time
We were finally
able to find a bath seat for her after searching high and low because
they are illegal now due to babies drowning in them - says so right on
the seat! But since I dont leave my infant unattended in the bath its a
risk we are willing to take because a baby bath does not work for this
girl (lay down? container her in a small space? give her mouth access to
gallons of water to gulp? Not happening) and I was tired of having to
get in the bath with her every night and so was she - girlfriend loves
her independence. So the bath seat has been a huge hit and now after we
wash we usually play for another 10 minutes. We splash, sing songs and
play with toys - good times all around :)
Water Tray
hit with Little Miss was the water tray - a cookie sheet with a layer
of warm water, a few toys (she LOVES those little animals! anything
chewable and has a face is a winner in her book :) ) , put a few towels
down and let her go. It didn't hold her attention as long as the others
but she enjoyed it and had fun. She finished by laying her face down in
the water, lifting her wet face up, blew some raspberries and died
laughing. She is a silly one :)
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