Monday, November 11, 2013

Giving Thanks

   I love traditions. Just ask Mama what happens when someone suggests mixing things up on a family holiday - international fare for Christmas dinner? going out to eat for Thanksgiving? no "santa" presents on the couch? No way Jose. Although I have conceded on the going to dinner for Christmas this year but really that is due to Daddy having a procedure done and us needing to be flexible :)

   One great thing about having a baby is that we get to continue our traditions as well as start new ones. One new tradition that I am starting with her is a Thankful Tree.

   We went out and collected branches and put them in a vase, then we came up with things that we are thankful for and throughout the month of November we will do acts of kindness to pay it forward.

   Our first act of kindness came from us being thankful for toys and games. Charlotte has no shortage of these, because we can provide these for her we are very grateful. So we rounded up some old puzzles and games and donated them to our favorite thrift store (all proceeds go to a local dog shelter).

       The next act of kindness will be an ongoing one. Our item that we are thankful for is healthy minds and bodies. Everyday I see Charlotte developing right on schedule,  I am thankful. Every time we go to the doctor and get to hear "she is so healthy!", I am thankful. When I know that Charlotte has two healthy and stable parents to guide and love her, I am thankful. So I am teaming up with a wonderful lady who is the parent of one of my former students at The Riley Center and putting together a 10k run fundraiser. Because those sweet babies who don't hit typical milestones and their parents who don't get to hear them declared healthy need that school and that school needs money. Bad. So hopefully it will be a great success and we can ease some of the finical burden the school has.

I cant wait until Charlotte is old enough to come up with her own things she is grateful for and help with the acts of kindness!


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