Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tony turns 28!!

 Tony had a birthday last week, he turned 28 :)

He is the hardest person to buy for, he doesn't want much and what he wants he just gets throughout the year so like our anniversary we typically do something rather than do gifts. When I asked him this year what he wanted, he knew exactly what he wanted to do - animal safari.

There is a great one here in Huntsville that me, Bean and the kids went to last summer when they came down to visit. Tony couldn't come because of work so he has wanted to go back ever since. Anyone who knows Tony knows his love for animals of all kinds.

So today we ventured out on our animal safari, we had perfect weather and a great time. Afterwards he got to choose lunch, he chose Chik-fil-a. Its the simple things in life :)

Welcomed by a peacock

Mini horse

Disgusting :)

A very friendly camel



A GIANT bison that Tony and I decided to drive on past 

Tony couldn't even get his hand out of the window to feed this zebra, he stuck his head right into the car and into the feed bucket

We loved the baby

Snake in the reptile house

Look at those chompers!

Long horn

One of the cool things about this place is that after you do the drive through part you can get out and walk around the reptile house and a mini zoo like place with monkeys and peacocks.

This guy sits with his mouth open with a fake pink "lure" attached to the inside of his mouth and when a curious fish comes buy to grab the lure - chomp the turtle has his lunch.

Beautiful white and blue peacock

Its a hard life.....

One of Tony and I's all time favorite animals, the ring tailed lemur!

This guy was either mating or being territorial because he had gotten on top of that little house and was hollering away

Here is to another year of awesomeness for Tony, Happy Birthday!!!!!!


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