So we have been very busy around here and I will (hopefully!!!) start writing more regularly but for now we need to catch up on everything that's been going on......
* belly pictures!
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I just woke up, please dont judge me :) |
* we went on a trip to Dubai and Goa, India. Goa was where the wedding was held and Dubai as just a fun add on.
Shopping in Dubai. This is what is called the "gold sook" basically just the gold district. |
so much gold! |
we got talked into seeing the "watch mans" goodies which apparently he kept on the roof. we declined the lovely rolex knock offs he was offering. |
middle eastern fashion. you can see the coordinating head covering that goes with each outfit. |
the atmosphere was lovely on our shopping day, perfect temperature, sunny and lots of pretty buildings to look at. it did catch me off guard every time they did the call to prayer which is a horn that plays across the city. |
dried roses.basil.nuts |
the best smelling street in the whole city :) |
the owner of this shop was so nice and explained what everything was to us and let us sample whatever we wanted. my favorite: golden raisins that were the size of quarters.yummmm |
so pretty. i ended up buying a set of different dried teas and dried lavender which i plan on making some sachets with. |
there are lots of camel things in dubai. we looked into riding them but i couldnt because im pregnant. oh well, next time im in the middle easyt i suppose. |
waterfall in the 10 story mall. this is on the other end from the indoor ski resort. |
more waterfall. |
Goa, India |
so so pretty. the weather was perfect. when wedding things were on a break we spent all of our time relaxing in chairs by the pool. |
flower display in a tub of water. |
this one was my favorite. |
on our walk around town. |
i liked the artwork on this building. |
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scaffolding made from bamboo. it fascinated me. |
The trip was great and so different from other places we have visited. My favorite parts, as usual, was eating our way around both places. Highlights include: Portuguese coconut cornbread (Goa has a very heavy Portuguese influence), gelato, hummus and flat bread in Dubai and 2 paneer (Indian cheese) dishes I had at the wedding.
* lastly, a couple of baby related things. We got started painting the nursery this weekend, picked up some precious clothes at a great consignment shop and have been loving feeling her move and kick all the time! Here is one of my favorite outfits we picked up.
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we got this cute little romper for $1! |
Have a great week everyone!