Terrifying. I really didn't think it would be that bad. I mean it had only been a hair over 2 weeks. (get it haha) But it was big and gross, really gross. Here is a comparison shot next to a large navel orange so you can see what I was dealing with.
It took 2 trips with a full dustpan to get it all.
On to less disturbing news, we found out a few days before Christmas the sex of our baby. Since our getting pregnant was the furthest thing from a surprise because our families knew all about our IVF and what was going on, I was so exciting to have a "secret" to reveal. We took a picture of the ultrasound and added a little touch to let our families know if it was a boy or girl. We framed it and let each soon-to-be Grandma open it. Tony did not save a copy of it so I cant show it but trust me, it was precious. Here is my belly picture from the day we found out.
(please excuse the lack of make up, it was early and we were rushing out the door)
Of course we would have been thrilled either way, so we are so excited to be having a little girl! We have been discussing names and planning the nursery. I have been feeling her move for a little while now but just in the last week she has started kicking hard enough for Tony to feel her, his face was priceless the first time. We go in a week and a half for another ultrasound and will hopefully have some more great news (healthy baby) and something to share ( a video of the ultrasound)!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that 2013 has started off fantastic!
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