We are finally getting a little sunshine and warmer temps after what has felt like the longest most trying winter ever. It wasnt very cold, save for a few days here or there but it has rained for weeks and weeks. There has been flooding, our yard looks like a swamp and the cabin fever IS REAL. on top of living in gray gloom for the past 2 months we have had the worst year of sickness we have ever had to deal with. Between the kids and Tony someone has been sick since Christmas - bronchitis, roseloa, stomach bug, sinus infection, the highest fevers (104.3) common cold and Coopers mystery rash that covers 90% of his body. You name it and we have had it. I say "we" even though through all the germs and gunk I have yet to even get a sniffle. A mother's immune system should be studied. But "we" have had all that sickness because even though I wasnt ill it was me who washed all the linens in the house 1000x, Lysol-ed every doorknob, scrubbed the puke, gave the bathes to bring fevers down, cuddled while they hacked in my face, stayed up holding their hand while they tried to sleep, made favorite foods, scheduled all medicine in take, made batch after batch of elderberry syrup, got new toothbrushes and wash clothes, and endured countless hours of obnoxious children's TV while trying to snuggle the yuck away for weeks on end.
So needless to say I havent taken many pictures nor have we done anything particularly fun. So here are a few pictures I have taken and then on Friday we leave for our Europe trip where hopefully the germs wont follow us and I will have plenty of beautiful pictures to post :)
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