Sunday, August 11, 2013


I have been working on Charlotte's playroom for the past few weeks, I am sure that as she grows and starts being able to play in different ways I will change and add to it but for now it's complete and we have been spending a lot of time in there!

Here is the room as you walk in. I made the curtain with a branch and scrap fabric and found the paper lanterns at the dollar section of Target. I didnt want to decorate too much, I think a simple room allows her to focus on what she is playing with without being over stimulated.

Here is the other side of the room. I got a crib mattress and put a door mirror on it so she can sit in her Bobby pillow and look into it or lay on the mattress for tummy time and play with the baby in the mirror :) The pictures are just shapes I printed off and framed in dollar store frames, she loves staring at them! The circle is her favorite. She also loves the flower pinwheels that I found at the dollar store.

These are the crates that hold her toys. I wanted everything to be on the floor or very close to it so it is all on her level and accessible to her. I put a few books, a simple puzzle, a wooden train and some stacking blocks in there for now. She likes watching me take all the blocks off and stack them.

These are the sensory boards I made her, they are just dollar store cookie sheets with different textures and colors duck taped on with some black and white checked duck tape. Right now she just enjoys looking at the different colors and we are starting to rub her hands on the different areas so she can feel the different textures.

This is the other corner of the room. I hung some simple dollar store flower streamers and put her play mat that Grandma and Grandpa got for her. After we do the hard work of tummy time and sitting up to look at the pictures and toys its her favorite place to lay down and "talk" while looking up at the lights. Today she was joined by Daddy and Penelope :)

And now for a ridiculous amount of pictures of a baby on a play mat :) enjoy!

AH that hair! that smile! I love her!

Babys best friend :)


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