Monday, May 13, 2013

Nursery and belly pictures

  I have completed the nursery and I have to say I love it! Its girly without being full of pink and princess crowns and feels very calm and peaceful. I remember this time last year not even wanting to go in that room - it just made me too sad to not know if and when it would have a baby in it and now to see it all ready for Charlotte to come home to is such an amazing blessing.

My favorite parts are the DIY pom poms over the crib that Mama and I did when she was down for a visit, the chandelier that I got 1/2 off at Homegoods and the glider, it is so comfortable!

Also a week late per usual but here is the latest belly picture....

So happy and so puffy :)

On the way out to Mother's Day brunch, it was sooooo delish!
And because I know how much you all love my feet, here they are in all their Fred Flinstone glory :)

Have a great week!


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