Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Back to school

School starts back early down here, usually the second week of August. This back to school was a big one because my girl headed off to Kindergarten - the big leagues, full day, lots of kids, new everything Kindergarten.

But before she had her first day, brother had his and it was much more chill. He returned to the same school, the same class with the same teacher and mostly the same kids. He was excited to go and has had the best few weeks being back there in that sweet preschool. This year he is going MWF from 9-1. That still gives us a couple of days a week to stay close to home and take it slow and have some one on one time. So far he reports loving the "new big blocks", digging with the orange shovel in the sandbox and running super fast. He also loves his new backpack/ lunchbox we got for this year. Its huge on him but it will hopefully last him several years.

Then a few days after it was sisters turn. We were both nervous, its a big change and I knew Id miss her. She goes M-F from 8:30-2:30 and I do in fact miss her but she is loving it so much that it eases that greatly. The first few days she said she was very quiet and didnt really talk to anyone but after that she has come home telling me about playing with other kids and talking with her teacher.

We have a 20-30 minute drive in the mornings to get to her school and although its not ideal, seeing her love school and the environment and opportunities she has there make it 100% worth it. We listen to a story telling podcast for kids in the mornings and usually in the afternoons she fills me in on her day. So far she has climbed lots of trees, swung with friends on the rope swing, loved friday pizza day, had show and tell, earned lots of tickets for being kind to friends and done number and letter work. She also has a different elective each day - library, Mandarin, art, creek day etc.

I am so proud of her and loving to see her grow and bloom there :)

As for brothers naps, which I was worried about because her pick up is smack in the middle of it. He was done well all things considered. Poor guy gets woken up half the time, sleeps in the car or misses it completely. They both have been going to bed about 30 minutes earlier and he has been binge napping on the weekends.

what I found while he was suppose to be playing in his room while I took a quick shower before picking up Charlotte :)

Sunday, August 26, 2018

life lately in photos

a quick make over of an old cabinet thanks to a can of looking glass spray paint and 20 minutes one afternoon


                                  our new dining room table that Tony made, I LOVE it

the ever growing truck collection. this was after putting about half of them away in storage :)


                                      a quick trip to the Nashville science museum 

                                               a girls trip to ATL for some new ink

                                                this girl would swim 24/7 if she could

                                                       working his scissor skills

                                                          oh these sweet babes <3
