Thursday, January 11, 2018

Cooper 2.5

Since the kids are past the monthly update phase (how is that over already!) I figured every 6 months or so is a good time to capture what they are up to. First up - brother. At 2 and a half Cooper is......

- tis-tis (Christmas)
- every part of a vehicle, wheels, tracks, smoke stack, engine, wheel, etc
- oh sore! (oh sure instead of yes and it gets me every time)
- Mommy, 50 thousand times a day
- Pel-a-pee and Bay-dee (Penelope and Bailey)
- long sentences, 5 plus words
- asking questions, whats that mean? who dat man? are 2 most popular
- in - tis-ting (interesting) usually his response when I explain something to him
- love ______, reading a book with trucks and he will say "love bulldozers Mama" or love a food he is eating. Its still a rare day that I get an I love you but the construction vehicles get all the love

- yogurt is a top favorite
- strawberry is still the favorite fruit
- cheddar cheese and pretzels are favorite snacks
- he still has a sweet tooth and loves chocolate
- he is great about drinking water but prefers OJ with breakfast
- will steal my coffee any chance he gets

- still 100% about trucks, trains and construction vehicles
- he would live outside if he could and the garage with his tools, wood and tractor are his happiness
- he and Charlotte play well together 75% of the time. They play chase, "tiger is coming!",  cooking with their play food and running around outside on adventures
- he gets along well with the other kids at school

- he is still more reserved than Charlotte when it comes to new people. He takes awhile to warm up and isnt overly affectionate toward most people
- he has a lovely sense of humor, almost dry for a 2 year old and makes me laugh daily
- he can be very sensitive and stubborn (hello 2's!) but Ive seen a maturing in the last month or so with being able to solve a problem and work through emotions
- he looks up to Charlotte so much and copies her a good bit but still has a good sense of what he likes/ wants to do
- he is still very much Mama's baby and I am preferred over anyone else and get lots of snuggles and loves
- still loving naps and sleeping for 3 hours most afternoons
- has paci at nap and nighttime, no sign of letting that go any time soon

- he is able to 10 perfectly and 20 some of the time
- recognizes letters C, Z, T and O
- knows all his colors, animals and animal sounds
- great about remembering names
- so good and building things and putting things together and a great imagination for what his creations are
- independent with chores around the house and cleaning up. He loves having a clean room and wont go to bed unless its tidy
- I can see him making connections all the time - We saw smoke coming out of a chimney the other day and he said "smoke coming out, from fireplace because cold outside"

He is so fun to listen to and be with and I am really looking forward to this year and all the things we are going to do. We sure love our bay-buh, brodder, Coops, Coopie, my littlest love <3


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

November in pictures

i love finding her creations

tree climber

leaf jumping

walking around downtown Auburn

War Eagle with the bests

best friends <3

really finding his knife groove

biscuit making

soaking up that perfect Alabama fall temps



finished up our second soccer season

date with my favorite girl

art museum
