Monday, March 28, 2016

9 months

9 months in and 9 months out

This month brother is......
- wearing 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers
- loving to eat fish, noodles, carrots, tofu, and blueberries
- pulling up and cruising on everything (lots of head bruises)
- laughing uncontrollably while chasing or wrestling with sister, she is still your favorite person
- sleeping through the night every few nights
- trying goats milk and liked it!
- going to gym class, music class and playdates and loving all of it
-  going on walks in the evening
- enjoying crawling in the grass and swinging outside
- squealing at the top of your lungs
- sloooooowly getting one tooth
- still a sweet laid back observer baby with the most precious smile :)


Monday, March 7, 2016

February in photos

Usually I HATE February but this year we had some warm days, out of town visitors and a wedding to go to so it went quickly and was some what enjoyable :)

Here is what February looked in photos.....
