Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mining for gold

  Last weekend we went mining for gold up on the mountain a few miles from out house. They have a great playground up at the State Park that we go to and have always wanted to visit their "living museum" of the gold rush days. But its $10/person and for a 1 year old I just couldnt justify it, luckily they had a free weekend so we went! The weather was beautiful and Char loved it!

  Its basically a collection of cabins all staged to look like they would have in the early 1800s complete with a barn of animals (C's favorite part of course). They give each kid a sachet to collect their treasures in and have "gold" hidden all around. She wasnt super into collecting the gold but loved the kitchen, barn of animals and running up and down the ramp :)


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Photo Dump

ball pit fun at a local fundraising night event

stroller rides with best friends

acorn hunting

climbing into the sand table and thinking its HYSTERICAL

fall decorating!!!

flying to VA for baby showers :)

activities to keep an active 15 month old from losing her mind on the plane

lots of activities
lots and lots of activities

my nephew and glowing Mama

starting to try for baby #2!

bath time preciousness

park walks

sensory buckets

helping Mama "ook" (cook)

having really funny phone convos

working on those spoon skills

Monday, September 8, 2014

Family Date Night

  Every Friday we either get take-out or go out to eat, Mama needs a break from cooking and dishes and yea! we made it through another week. Sometimes we make a whole evening out of it and have a family date night. This past week that exactly what we did. The original plan was to take blankets and chairs to the free concert series that happens every Friday down at the local arts center and grab some yummy unique sandwiches from Happy Tummy but unfortunately those plans got rained out :(

Luckily the concert series runs through November so we will try again another day. So we switched to plan B, mall date. As a rule I dont like malls, I dont like most of the stores, its all indoors and superficial feeling and its always crawling with silly tweens. But we had a great evening of visiting the toy store for Charlotte, Pottery Barn for Mama and As Seen On TV for Daddy. We ate at the food court and played at the kids play place after. It was an evening of not really mattering where you are but who you are with :)

please excuse the messy hair, runny nose and open mouth of food :0

play place fun

rocking out so a sweet muszack version of bailamos

washing off the mall germies ;)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Funny Faces

Char's sense of humor is developing and as of late her favorite way to get a laugh is to make a funny face - Ive captured some of these beauties on camera, enjoy :)
