Little Miss is 9 months -ahhhh thats only 3 months away from the big #1!!! Craziness.
This month she.....
* is wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers when in disposables
* weighs 17 lbs 10oz and is 27 inches long (10% for both) tiny little tater tot :)
* loves her doggies and is soooooo close to saying "dog"
* pokes, points, scratches etc with her index finger - its her number one investigative device
* still nurses to sleep most nights
* is on a schedule! she just kinda fell into this past month and its been working great
* loving avocado, veggie meatballs, quinoa/spinach/cheese balls, any and all fruit
* thinks its HYSTERICAL to feed Mama and Daddy or wipe our noses
* got her first sickness, just a nasty cold but it was pitiful :(
* cruising so fast on the furniture - it makes me so nervous!
* moved up a class in gymnastics
* is still the energetic, charasmatic, sweet, happy baby that has my heart <3
9 months in 9 months out |