Monday, March 24, 2014

march has looked like......

                                                                    Kite festival!

                                                                  Jacket one day
                                       short sleeves, swinging and playing in the water the next
                                                  and then a jacket again
                                                               discovery bottles

                                                                       bed head :)
                                                           being a laundry helper
                                                          St Patricks Day parade!

                                                           metal things basket
                                                                          sweet smiles <3
                                   and cranky pouty evening due to 4 teeth coming in at once


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Playroom and photodump

We have added some new things to the lady's playroom

Easter grass and Easter eggs (its a month early but she loves it!)

She has a basket of push/pull toys (train, car and frog with wheels) , a basket of blocks, a bin of bells and her reading area. I also made some colored squares for her to play with on the light table

She has discovered how to rip up the foam playmat and eat it......

Caught in the act

Her punishment..... :)

and photos of life lately......

days when we can play outside are THE BEST!

lunch dates :)

not napping.............

she has a new thing of sitting "Indian style" and I think it is possibly the cutest thing in the world


i LOVE baby pigtails :)

loving our new wrap and all of its rainbow prettiness



Sunday, March 2, 2014

9 months

Little Miss is 9 months -ahhhh thats only 3 months away from the big #1!!! Craziness.

This month she.....
* is wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers when in disposables
* weighs 17 lbs 10oz and is 27 inches long (10% for both) tiny little tater tot :)
* loves her doggies and is soooooo close to saying "dog"
* pokes, points, scratches etc with her index finger - its her number one investigative device
* still nurses to sleep most nights
* is on a schedule! she just kinda fell into this past month and its been working great
* loving avocado, veggie meatballs, quinoa/spinach/cheese balls, any and all fruit
* thinks its HYSTERICAL to feed Mama and Daddy or wipe our noses
* got her first sickness, just a nasty cold but it was pitiful :(
* cruising so fast on the furniture - it makes me so nervous!
* moved up a class in gymnastics
* is still the energetic, charasmatic, sweet, happy baby that has my heart <3

9 months in                                                                                                      9 months out


Picnic Day

  The weather finally let up and gave us a beautiful sunny day today - to say we were thankful would be an understatement. We took full advantage and spend most of the day outside soaking up that sweet sunshine :)

   We took a nice long walk downtown and ending up at the park where we had our picnic lunch - wraps, chips and guac, oranges and a brownie for the grown ups, roasted herb carrots, avocado with lime and a banana for the baby, everyone washed it down with water and Penelope got our leftovers :)

  Charlotte was outside everyday last summer but most of that was in a carrier or snuggled in the stroller so I love watching her explore outside. She munched on leaves, ripped up some grass and threw sticks and just like when she was a itty bitty last summer she LOVES being outside.

I feel like she looks so "big girl" in this picture

her expressions kill me!

baby toes, I could eat them up

love <3

Its going to be 35 and rainy tomorrow so until next time sunshine..........
